ĀæAlguna vez te has preguntado si hay algo en el mundo mĆ”s valioso que el diamantito?
Ehhm, quiero decir... La respuesta podrĆa ser estas increĆbles pegatinas de Mikecrack y todos Los Compas para divertirte con tus amigos enviĆ”ndolos cada dĆa. Hay mĆ”s de 1200 stickers para elegir, uno para cada ocasiĆ³n especial š
Todos absolutamente gratis y listos para usar en WhatsApp (WAstickerApps). Incluye los mĆ”s recientes emojis de Mikecrack 2020 š„
La instalaciĆ³n es super fĆ”cil y la diversiĆ³n estĆ” asegurada
MƔs de 50 paquetes de stickers originales con todos tus YouTubers preferidos:
ā¢ Mikecrack
ā¢ Trollino
ā¢ Flexvega
ā¢ RaptorGamer
ā¢ Timba VK
ā¢ Sparta356
ā¢ RiusPlay
ā¢ Invictor
ā¢ Mayo97
Incluso amigos de los compas como:
Y muchos mƔs...
Ā”SĆ© el primero en tenerlos y compartirlos con tus amigos!
CĆ³mo utilizarlos:
1- Descarga la app y abrela
2- Selecciona un paquete y pulsa en "AƱadir a WhatsApp"
3- Abre WhatsApp y entra en cualquier chat
4- Pulsa en el icono de los Emojis "š"
5- VerĆ”s un icono de los stickers en la parte inferior, pĆŗlsalo para encontrar el paquete que aƱadiste
Creado por STICKERAMA š los mejores stickers de la tienda. Ā”Si te gustĆ³ la app no olvides dejar tus 5 estrellitas!
Have you ever wondered if there is something in the world more valuable than the diamond?
Ehhm, I mean ... The answer could be these amazing stickers from Mikecrack and all The Compas to have fun with your friends by sending them every day. There are more than 1200 stickers to choose from, one for each special occasion š
All absolutely free and ready to use on WhatsApp (WAstickerApps). Includes the latest Mikecrack 2020 emojis š„
Installation is super easy and fun is guaranteed
More than 50 original sticker packs with all your favorite YouTubers:
ā¢ Mikecrack
ā¢ Trollino
ā¢ Flexvega
ā¢ RaptorGamer
ā¢ Timba VK
ā¢ Sparta356
ā¢ RiusPlay
ā¢ Invictor
ā¢ May97
Even friends of the compas like:
ā¢ Acenix
ā¢ Agapito
And many more...
Be the first to have them and share them with your friends!
How to use them:
1- Download the app and open it
2- Select a package and click on "Add to WhatsApp"
3- Open WhatsApp and enter any chat
4- Click on the Emoji icon "š"
5- You will see an icon of the stickers at the bottom, press it to find the package you added
Created by STICKERAMA š the best stickers in the store. If you liked the app, don't forget to leave your 5 stars!